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Made/produced by American Indians Trademark

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Made/Produced by
American Indian Trademark

The Intertribal Agriculture Council (IAC) promotes the “Made/Produced by American Indians” trademark as a means to successfully and clearly identify American Indian made products from federally recognized Tribes and Alaskan Native Villages. The trademark was created to protect Indian producers and consumers from fake and falsely advertised Indian-made products. Misrepresentation of Indian-made products has been made illegal by The Indian Arts and Crafts Act (Act) of 1990 (P.L. 101-644). This act encourages the use of legally registered trademarks and echoes the mission behind our trademark to ensure the authenticity of Indian made products. IAC started the arduous task of initial research, development, and registration of the “Made by American Indians” trademark in 1991 when the project was funded by a grant through the Administration for Native Americans. The trademark has been formally approved and successfully test marketed since 1993. The 'Made/Produced by American Indians' trademark identifies American Indian made products and assists American Indian producers in improving their market success, thereby increasing the economic base of the Indian producer and their community. Through this universal emblem, consumers are able to easily identify authentic American Indian produced goods.

Over 500 licensed trademark users have participated in this program and we are continually adding users. Producer as well as consumer interest continues to grow and offers improved marketing potential for all Indian producers through national and international exposure. The IAC’s booklet on use of the “Made by American Indians” trademark has been a great resource for interested individuals. The booklet offers an overview of the uses of the trademark as well as an application for its use. Click on the link above to view the Official Trademark Guide. 

To qualify: The user or participant must be a federally recognized Tribal member, tribal entity, or an Alaskan Village as defined by law. Or at least have a controlling 51% share interest. Required Documentation For an Individual can be a Tribal ID or enrollment card. Tribal Organizations can submit Tribal Council Resolutions or an authorized statement from the current tribal executive leader.

To apply, click on the application link above.

More information about use of the trademark through the American Indian Foods program and our Producer Directory highlighting approved trademark users can be found on the American Indian Foods Program website:

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