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Indigenous Trade Mission to Australia 2022

Britni Beck (Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska), AIF Assistant Director in Australia (second from left)

As the Intertribal Agriculture Council (IAC) launches a new year, its American Indian Foods (AIF) program is busy planning business expansion opportunities for Native producers. The AIF program's first international tradeshow of the year is scheduled for March 7-10, 2023 at FOODEX Japan. IAC's export program began in 1998 with funding from the USDA Market Access Program (MAP). It offers a platform for American Indian and Alaska Native agribusiness owners and entrepreneurs to promote their products in the global market while increasing equitable value chains that uplift the Indigenous food systems.

The American Indian Foods program goals are to showcase products with the "Made/Produced by American Indians" trademark to increase economic sustainability and share Tribal cultures with the world. In May 2022, AIF was one of 10 American Indian U.S. delegates participating in the Inaugural First Nations Trade Mission to Australia hosted by Austrade (Australian Trade and Investment Commission). The 11-day mission promoted meaningful trade and investment opportunities, highlighting cultural, historical, and aspirational similarities between the Indigenous peoples of Australia and the United States to gain a deeper understanding of shared success, prosperity, and economic development.

During the visit, IAC staff connected with 75+ Indigenous-owned businesses, industry peak organizations or trade associations, Native title and custodian representatives, and cultural representatives in Sydney, Darwin, and Brisbane. International trade missions open doors for U.S. exporters, giving them opportunities to forge relationships with potential customers, gather market intelligence, and, most importantly, generate sales.

Visit the American Indian Foods program website for more information about the "Made/Produced by American Indians" trademark and upcoming AIF events.

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