The Intertribal Agriculture Council wants to ensure livestock producers are fully aware of all support that is available to help cope with the devastations of the April Blizzard Wesley, which started April 10, 2019, and previous adverse winter weather events.
The “blizzard” designation of April storm Wesley automatically activates the Farm Service Agency’s Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP). To be eligible, it is essential that producers are appropriately documenting their losses through this blizzard. Other “weather events” this winter have also triggered these programs. Check our website for a list of the dates.
Production Records Your livestock production records should include a continuous record of livestock inventory numbers. It is helpful to include a running count of total livestock, based on their class (breed, age, weight, status in reproduction cycle). It’s always smart to maintain a record of weather alongside this production record.
Evidence of Loss It’s a great idea to take photos of dead livestock as soon as you find them. We recommend taking a photo that shows as much of the animal as remains, as well as the identification feature of the animal (like the tag ID) for personal reporting purposes. However, signed verification from a neighbor on your death loss is encouraged as evidence of loss, as well.
DEADLINES EXIST! It is essential that you report ALL LIVESTOCK LOSSES as they happen throughout the year to your FSA County Office, so they can adequately adjust your reported livestock numbers. Keep in mind that all livestock losses due to disaster or extreme weather events must be filed within 30 days of when the producer realized the loss, and be reported via the CCC-854 FSA Form.
For production recording and evidence of loss templates, visit IndianAg.Org/NaturalResources or call our office and request one, 605-964-8320.
Activated when natural disaster designations are met
Helps mitigate the loss producers face in times of natural disaster
Eligible losses* qualify producers for financial compensation at a standardized rate
USDA’s LIP Fact Sheet is available at IndianAg.Org/naturalresources
*What is considered an eligible loss for Livestock Indemnity Program?
Any animals intended for commercial agricultural production that is lost as a result of the disaster
Ex: Livestock to be sold at the end of a growing season, animals raised for reproduction, etc.
Livestock NOT eligible for LIP: animals planned for consumption by owner, used for hunting, kept as pets, or owned for pleasure, for roping, and for showing.
Death losses found to be reported in excess** of normal mortality rates
**What is excess death?
When calculating eligible losses, an established “normal mortality rate” must be accounted for. This is why it is so important to catalog every single loss that you witness in a year, and NOT just those that are related to a storm.
If you are a producer in Indian Country that has been adversely affected by weather events, contact the Intertribal Agriculture Council for free technical assistance. The Great Plains Technical Assistance team is ready to assist; call 605-964-8320 or email:
Tomie Peterson
Technical Assistance Specialist
Kelsey Ducheneaux
Natural Resource Director