The Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative (IFAI) is working on with Echo Hawk Consulting and IllumiNative. They are developing an online platform for funders that showcases innovative health, nutrition, and food systems work happening in Indian Country. As part of that work, they have created a survey where interested Native-led entities can share more about their work to improve the health of their people and communities.
In order to showcase the greatest diversity of innovative and important work across Indian Country in the fields of food, nutrition and health, they would love to include more information about the work happening in tribal communities in your regions and that your work with.

If you would like to nominate a tribe, Native-led organization, project, or program that focuses on health or traditional food systems, you can nominate them here:
If it is possible, sharing this link through your social media channels to allow programs in your region to self-nomination would be greatly appreciated as well.
The goal of this project is to make the ecosystem of important work and opportunities for impact in Indian Country visible to philanthropy in order to help increase funder education and investment in Native-led work. The online tool will be published at the end of 2019 and will be housed with IFAI.